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Anonymus Mode [UPDATED TO 1.1!]
Name: Anonymus Mode
Description: With this plugin, developed during a request of my fellow Zaiendo members, your users can post anonymously.

You have to create one user account (e.g. Anonymous User) first and later your users can (don't need to) add an additional nick to their postings.
The posts/threads will be displayed as posted by the anonymus user but with the username the member entered.
The user who posted isn't mentioned any longer.

If you don't understand this properly (it is actually hard to describe) please view the screenshots below.

New: Version 1.1 is out, adds setting for group permissions.

Demo: [Image: zaiendo.png] Forum
Version: 1.1
Compatibility: 1.4.x
Adds files: yes
Changes files: no
Adds templates: no
Changes templates: yes
Adds to database: no
Changes database: no

Logged in as Lennart. Starting a new thread and adding the username "MyNewNick".
Still logged in as Lennart I do a reply with a different nickname: "Other new nick"
This is how it looks now - thread view with 3 anonymous postings, all assigned to the one anonymous user. My nick Lennart is not mentioned there.
Also note that the /me code is replaced aswell.

Settings for specific forums. Adding FIDs and UID is REQUIRED!
The screenshot is outdated and does not display the group permissions added in version 1.1.

Upgrading from version 1.0 to 1.1:
To upgrade the plugin you will have to uninstall and reinstall it. You should not loose any posts while doing that but you should make a backup before upgrading always anyway.
Make sure to use the same UID and FIDs to make it work properly.

Download for subscribers:

.php   anonym_mode.php (Size: 7.04 KB / Downloads: 45)
With downloading this plugin you agree with the [Image: external.png]license rules.
Forum Admin
I have Fews Question can you answer them please

1. is these a "post as alternate user plugin" where admin can post with any username he want

2. does the username to be entered is required to be present in database , if yes then what happen if a username is entered which is not present in database

3. does the post count and thread count is updated in that user profile whose name in entered while creating a thread or reply

4. do mybbaddons have only paypal payment method, i want to be a subscriber and i am from india , can anybody guide how do i make a payment
With this plugin everybody can post as whoever he wants (no group restriction so far, can be added if a subscriber requests it).

No the username does not need to be in the database.

The post and thread count of the anonymous profile is updated, not the one of the user who posted anonymously.

MybbAddons does only accept paypal at the moment, you don't need to make a subscription payment though, you can also pay me directly via paypal if you don't have a credit card or anything. Contact me via PM in this case.
Forum Admin
This plugin is very good just if you could make if so I could chose who can have the ability to post anonymously and kinda off topic at the bottom add to favorites appears twice you might want to remove it unless you want to keep it that way.
I will add a group permission setting as soon as possible.

Which favorites do appear twice?
Forum Admin
Thanx and this is what I meant
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I got the link there one time only...
Weird, I have to take a look into the templates. Thanks for notifying me!

Found it in the old theme templates, should be fixed now Smile
Forum Admin
Man I keep checking everyday until the plugin gets updated lol so that I can limit people who can be anonymous Big Grin
You should just subscribe to this thread and you'd get email notifications on new updates Smile

Well, I really don't have the time for MyBB at the moment but I somehow got the update done, check the first post for the new version and instructions.

Best regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin
W00T I saw the update awesome job Lennart!

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