02-17-2010, 11:26 PM
I wonder if there is anybody interested in the "share it" plugin which is active at Zaiendo.de?
"Share it" allows the users to share a thread with others on the following plattforms:
- Twitter
- FaceBook
- Stumble Upon
- Delicious
- Google Bookmarks
- Gmail
- SchuelerVZ
Includes auto-select textbox with link to current site.
Scroll down to the bottom
If somebody is interested I will modify the plugin to fit MyBB style, add english language and upload it to the subscriber section here.
If somebody has suggestions on which additional bookmarking services could be added please post them.
Best regards
Lennart Sauter
"Share it" allows the users to share a thread with others on the following plattforms:
- Stumble Upon
- Delicious
- Google Bookmarks
- Gmail
- SchuelerVZ
Includes auto-select textbox with link to current site.
Scroll down to the bottom
If somebody is interested I will modify the plugin to fit MyBB style, add english language and upload it to the subscriber section here.
If somebody has suggestions on which additional bookmarking services could be added please post them.
Best regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin