05-20-2010, 12:06 AM
Hello fellow MybbAddons.com members,
I decided to raise the subscription fees in the next week.
Everybody who did purchase a subscription or does purchase a subscription before next week will still pay the old price of course, no additional fees required.
I know that some of you will hate me now but I'd like to tell you the reasons for this step:
- we are getting a lot more traffic over here at the moment so we are no longer fitting in my hosting package with other domains, I moved some of them on a different server to not slow down MybbAddons.com or others.
- we are one of the largest places where you can get quality stuff for MyBB. We do currently offer more then 40 plugins, 20 themes and 20 mycodes + template edits and tutorials for subscribers and a huge load of stuff for free too.
- I am spending a lot of time here and will have to spend even more with upcoming MyBB 1.6 to ensure compatibility (partly remaking complete plugins because of templae/hook changes)
- I will start studying in fall and will have to travel 600 kilometres each week, also have to pay my new home and so on, I need money definately. I have the choice between selling/dropping MybbAddons.com to have more time for a different job or making more income with this site
- current price is too low compared to my prices to custom plugins and work (I do currently work for 8-100 € / hour), it would be unfair for private clients
That's it. Your opinions on this step are welcome of course
Best regards
Lennart Sauter
I decided to raise the subscription fees in the next week.
Everybody who did purchase a subscription or does purchase a subscription before next week will still pay the old price of course, no additional fees required.
I know that some of you will hate me now but I'd like to tell you the reasons for this step:
- we are getting a lot more traffic over here at the moment so we are no longer fitting in my hosting package with other domains, I moved some of them on a different server to not slow down MybbAddons.com or others.
- we are one of the largest places where you can get quality stuff for MyBB. We do currently offer more then 40 plugins, 20 themes and 20 mycodes + template edits and tutorials for subscribers and a huge load of stuff for free too.
- I am spending a lot of time here and will have to spend even more with upcoming MyBB 1.6 to ensure compatibility (partly remaking complete plugins because of templae/hook changes)
- I will start studying in fall and will have to travel 600 kilometres each week, also have to pay my new home and so on, I need money definately. I have the choice between selling/dropping MybbAddons.com to have more time for a different job or making more income with this site
- current price is too low compared to my prices to custom plugins and work (I do currently work for 8-100 € / hour), it would be unfair for private clients
That's it. Your opinions on this step are welcome of course
Best regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin