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Admin CP in new window
Name: Admin CP in new window
Description: This plugin will open the Admin Control Panel in a new window
Demo: -
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: 1.4.x
Adds files: yes
Changes files: no
Adds templates: no
Changes templates: yes
Adds to database: no
Changes database: no


.php   ACP_in_new_window.php (Size: 1.41 KB / Downloads: 31)
Forum Admin
just to let you know i made this plugin already

could u at least give credits for original design
I didn't know that you made this - I think this is a very, very basic plugin.

If you had the idea originally I'll congratulate for it Smile
Forum Admin
Thanks, much better in a new window.
It does that auto for me in firefox anyone else....
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Doesn't do it for me, running FF3.5
Forum Admin
Huh well I am running the same, maybe it has to do with the link for mine being a tab/button who knows maybe the theme was made that way.

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