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ET-Chat and MyBB
(10-27-2010, 03:21 AM)Karlitosway Wrote: Im still having issues with this chat. In fact its all I have.

I either get an error message saying people "cannot use this access" whatever that means or an error to do with line 22 or now for some reason the link goes straight to the 'Cannot login here' page but when users click on the actual chat link, nothing.

Sorry, I somehow missed your post.
Do you still have issues with the chat?

(11-11-2010, 05:26 AM)TheoPro Wrote: Alright ive made this work perfectly Smile thanks to all the hard work guys, But one question

So the admins and moderators have the little symbols next to there names, how would i go to making it that my premium members have the $ sign next to theres, Is there a lot of coding involved? Thanks in advance guys.

I don't think that's too hard, basically you'd have an if-clause that checks for the usergroup and then adds the symbol into the list.
I can't provide more details at the moment though, you will have to look into that yourself. Sorry!
Forum Admin
A: That should work, you'd have to query the chat's database like that:
You are not allowed to see php code.(Code not tested, handtyped)

B: I am not sure if you can delete it but you should be able to set a password to this room. Check the Chat manuals to do so (I'm not the creator of ET Chat).

C: Could you provide the code that should handle the logout?
Forum Admin
A: You have to do that in PHP, not in the templates!
I wrote a plugin for that and hooked it up at index_start, that'll work.

B: I think the rooms are saved in the database in the table etchat_rooms, the password is saved in etchat_room_pw column. Change it directly with PhpMyAdmin or similar.
Forum Admin
I have a few questions
1 - Have a Chat Database, with MyBB should be the one? Or you could create a separate database for each one?
2 - I have chat pre-installed on a sub domain. Should I re-install the chat rooms? All the files in the sub-domain folder on the USB chat? Copy the chat comes up as sub-domains.
3 - According to the above description, I did need to change, but when I open a chat URL, I'm getting a white screen (eg address
4 - Is it possible for me to edit one of the following code?
I do not speak English as well, sorry if I wrote something wrong

version et chat 3.7

You are not allowed to see php code.
1. You can use the MyBB database or a different database as long as they are on the same host.

2. Does your php have access to the subdomain from your maindomain?

3. Then something went wrong with the connection.

4. You should edit the code, yes.

What is your native language?
Forum Admin
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Now what should I do?
I put the above code for you
You can edit the code for me?
You have to edit this:
You are not allowed to see php code.

You are not allowed to see php code.
Forum Admin
After doing the above procedure
When I open the address chatroom
error => pw+invisible
Have you set it up properly?
Forum Admin
I removed the chat room
I re-install on Mybb Database / chat
But it gives the following error
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