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I'm very sad - the plugin had two huge security issues Sad
I updated it to 2.0 now - see what changed.

1) You could see the content if you reply to the thread and quoted the original post he could see the hidden stuff.
Is fixed now - hidden stuff can no longer be quoted. Does also work for Ajax Quickreply.

2) The hidden stuff was shown in the archive (light) mode. Is fixed now with the usual custom messages.

All in all the whole plugin is now twice the size and it took me the whole afternoon to get the things right.
I recommend everybody to upgrade to 2.0 for better security!

Thank you and sorry again
Lennart Sauter

EDIT: Added screenshots and updated file to the first post
Forum Admin
Thanks Lennart
can we integrate newpoints plugin by pirata nervo to this plugin? Smile
If you would link it I could look into it...
Forum Admin
i'll try tomorrow.. Smile like show hidden message by paying newpoints Smile i would love to port it if you'll allow me .. Smile
I saw the new point system now and might do it, but at the moment another plugin is awaiting release. We'll see Smile
Forum Admin
Hi Lennart,

Is it possible to hide messages (images, code etc) for users whose message counter is less than predefined value?

Or maybe someone knows such plugin?
Do you mean postcount?

That is definately possible, will be done on subscriber's request.
Forum Admin
tanks nice Plugin
You are welcome Smile
Forum Admin

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