07-09-2009, 05:21 AM
HTML 5 is here now - or isn't it?
Fun aside - the modern browsers are all supporting the new W3C standard HTML 5 - at least partly.
The last one was Firefox 3.5 with support for various HTML 5 functions.
But what is HTML 5 and what can it do?
HTML 5 is simply a standard, brought up by the World-wide-web-consortium (W3C), as previuosly HTML 4 or XHTML.
HTML determines how websites look like, how they are structured.
HTML 5 now brings some great innovations that were possible only with Javascript or Flash so far. They shall now work without plugins or additions directly in the browser.
The new features:
As a first new thing, browsers shall be able to display vector graphics using the canvas tag.
Vector graphics are special graphics which can be scaled without being pixilated.
You can find them at Wikipedia for example.
The canvas element shall make it possible for editing images in the browser too - you can allready draw simple images with it today!
In addition built-in audio and video players shall be added - you don't need adobe flash player anymore to play videos but you can use the built-in player.
The interesting thing for webmasters and users:
The videos can interact via javascript with the users and can be manipulated.
An impressing example for this is the following movie, the whole background of the video is dynamically replaced with a mozilla logo - on the website!
The next video shows the possibility for detecting motion din videos - javascript recognizes here the two white areas and can display elements between them - while they move!
The elements can be enlarged or reduced, rotated and turned. This happens live in a Firefox 3.5!
You can also see the painting in the canvas element in this movie.
Live editing of HTML elements is now possible too, users can code HTML in fields the webmaster did choose and so help to improve site structure.
Of course, webmasters have to be very careful to avoid any false or harmful code.
Copy & Paste - who does not know it. With HTML 5 it should also be possible to exchange any content between the browser and other programs - to copy or paste it easily.
Another point, though actually separated from HTML 5, is Geolocation.
The browser can now tell directly where the user currently is.
This is especially a great thing for mobile devices such as mobile phones with internet, etc.
More info about Geo Location:
Other planned features:
- Expansion of Ajax communication with the webservers
- Rendering engine for 3D graphics:
Browser should now be able to display even complex 3D models- it's allready possible with the Canvas element, but probably a native Open GL support would be better.
Flash Player 10 does already offer the option to render 3D objects.
- Embedding of webcam and microphone: With HTML 5 these hardware components should be able to interact better with websites. We'll see if this is the end of instant messengers.
- Better file upload: In the future you should be able to upload multiple files with just one input field at the same time, furthermore a status bar can be embedded and the remaining time required can be displayed.
HTML 5 now replaces some of the taska, Flash and Java did before.
Overall, the browsers will become bigger with HTML 5 - they'll not only need to support 3D rendering soon but also have a built-in audio and video player.
Javascript is becoming more important - good thing that the browser devs try to speed up their javascript engines.
Lennart Sauter
Source used: http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/98-H...r-Web.html
Fun aside - the modern browsers are all supporting the new W3C standard HTML 5 - at least partly.
The last one was Firefox 3.5 with support for various HTML 5 functions.
But what is HTML 5 and what can it do?
HTML 5 is simply a standard, brought up by the World-wide-web-consortium (W3C), as previuosly HTML 4 or XHTML.
HTML determines how websites look like, how they are structured.
HTML 5 now brings some great innovations that were possible only with Javascript or Flash so far. They shall now work without plugins or additions directly in the browser.
The new features:
As a first new thing, browsers shall be able to display vector graphics using the canvas tag.
Vector graphics are special graphics which can be scaled without being pixilated.
You can find them at Wikipedia for example.
The canvas element shall make it possible for editing images in the browser too - you can allready draw simple images with it today!
In addition built-in audio and video players shall be added - you don't need adobe flash player anymore to play videos but you can use the built-in player.
The interesting thing for webmasters and users:
The videos can interact via javascript with the users and can be manipulated.
An impressing example for this is the following movie, the whole background of the video is dynamically replaced with a mozilla logo - on the website!
The next video shows the possibility for detecting motion din videos - javascript recognizes here the two white areas and can display elements between them - while they move!
The elements can be enlarged or reduced, rotated and turned. This happens live in a Firefox 3.5!
You can also see the painting in the canvas element in this movie.
Live editing of HTML elements is now possible too, users can code HTML in fields the webmaster did choose and so help to improve site structure.
Of course, webmasters have to be very careful to avoid any false or harmful code.
Copy & Paste - who does not know it. With HTML 5 it should also be possible to exchange any content between the browser and other programs - to copy or paste it easily.
Another point, though actually separated from HTML 5, is Geolocation.
The browser can now tell directly where the user currently is.
This is especially a great thing for mobile devices such as mobile phones with internet, etc.
More info about Geo Location:
Other planned features:
- Expansion of Ajax communication with the webservers
- Rendering engine for 3D graphics:
Browser should now be able to display even complex 3D models- it's allready possible with the Canvas element, but probably a native Open GL support would be better.
Flash Player 10 does already offer the option to render 3D objects.
- Embedding of webcam and microphone: With HTML 5 these hardware components should be able to interact better with websites. We'll see if this is the end of instant messengers.
- Better file upload: In the future you should be able to upload multiple files with just one input field at the same time, furthermore a status bar can be embedded and the remaining time required can be displayed.
HTML 5 now replaces some of the taska, Flash and Java did before.
Overall, the browsers will become bigger with HTML 5 - they'll not only need to support 3D rendering soon but also have a built-in audio and video player.
Javascript is becoming more important - good thing that the browser devs try to speed up their javascript engines.
Lennart Sauter
Source used: http://www.phpclasses.org/blog/post/98-H...r-Web.html
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