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Hide until reply [UPDATED TO 1.1!]
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Forum Admin
(10-28-2009, 08:59 PM)neowarf Wrote: I have a little problem with this plug.
Since the update to 1.4.9, the plugin does not work.

Is there an error?

It works fine here with 1.4.9. What exactly does not work please?
Forum Admin
Huh. So, if with quick replay doesnt work, there are a few free mods with Hide, like yours. Anywhy, congrat. for yours.
(10-29-2009, 01:38 AM)ciorax Wrote: Huh. So, if with quick replay doesnt work, there are a few free mods with Hide, like yours. Anywhy, congrat. for yours.

There are none like mine, they are all buggy, do not hide in quoted replies / archive mode.
Thanks anyway Smile
Forum Admin
the hide does not call, we always see the message.

Je sais pas si j'ai bien traduit mdr
"This Account Has Been Suspended" - I can't check at the moment, sorry.
Forum Admin
Somehow this does not work for me. I want to hide only links and the members to be able to view them only after I reply. How can I achive that?

This is to ciorax. All those other free hide mods do not work at all. Lennart is a great coder and with his plug ins you know that you will have quality.
Just put all links inside the [hide] tags Smile
Forum Admin
sorry, I updated my profile Lennart
Guests are not able to see anything in your forum, could you PM me a test account and further links where I can see the problem?

Kind regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin

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