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It usually should only block the groups and forums affected. I made this as far as possible.

Kind regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin
looking forward on it bro Smile thanks
Will be great if this plugin can Automatically hide the URLs without use the Hide tag Smile
There is a plugin that auto-hides URLs for certain usergroups (Hide Suite).

I don't plan a different plugin at the moment.
Forum Admin
Is there anyway to make it show a iamge instead of the words?
Of course.
Instead of the message just insert:
You are not allowed to see code.

Kind regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin
The image thing i kinda ment like have a Image saying give rep/ thanks and then a image for after? and why not have it built in ?

thanks for the help
You can add any image instead of a message using the settings. I think it really can't be easier. Just use HTML.
Forum Admin
Not my point... im asking WHY you dont put it in so i dont have to use all that code for a shitload of posts....
You just set it ONE time for all posts in ACP?

That should be easy enough.
Forum Admin

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