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Drupal registration plugin
You could do it manually but I'd not recommend it.

To do all users automatically you'd need an extended porting script that is quite difficult to do.
Forum Admin
nm....i ditched mybb and drupal all together.
Was there any Word-press bridge platform ever made? other than the one that i saw on another site, which cause error conflicts on the mybb template and of the acp
I made this basic integration but it's not as advanced as the drupal plugin...
Forum Admin
Jolly good show Lennart, this is exactly what i needed.

Most common integration is usually wordpress now, online demographics of people want a cms, and because of the population of blog software, most css templates of wordpress use html intergration with ease, with side boxes and other methods straight from plug in codes. This definately needs advertising more Lennart

Great Plugin Lennart
Could anyone rehost it, so I could download it? :S
(05-01-2010, 11:04 PM)Cybuch Wrote: Could anyone rehost it, so I could download it? :S

You are asking somebody to rehost this - that would be ILLEGAL.
I forbid redistribution of my plugins.

If you want it, buy it:

Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin
(05-01-2010, 11:57 PM)Lennart Wrote: You are asking somebody to rehost this - that would be ILLEGAL.
I forbid redistribution of my plugins.

If you want it, buy it:

Lennart Sauter

I thought both MyBB and Drupal were Free Software (as in, Freedom) (MyBB used to be Proprietary, but they re-released under the GNU GPL v3 recently)? Part of being free is being free to distribute it. I'm not trying to bash you by any means, but I have been scouring the Internet for a bridge between Drupal and MyBB for some time now, and this is all I can find. The conflict: I only use Free Software.
I know that conflict and with the new LGPL license move of MyBB this will be solved finally.

Since it is MyBB based only, I don't have to care about Drupal's license, I don't include code from them.

Best regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin
Hello, I just paid for a subscription so I could use this plugin. I downloaded it and went to install, and found that it is not compatible w/ MyBB 1.6.0? Can this be updated? This plugin is the reason I paid for my subscription. Sad

After looking at the first post, I should have been more careful -- it only mentions MyBB 1.4 -- but again, could this please be updated for 1.6?

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