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A lot of MyBB Forums hacked
At the 14th and 15th november, a lot of MyBB forums have been hacked. The attacker compromised the github account of a MyBB developer and implemented evil code via the update check of the MyBB ACPs.

MybbAddons has not been hacked. We have a security plugin that - beside other things - deactivates MyBB news and update check via ACP.

If you have been inside your ACP between 14th November 23:00 GMT and15th November 15:30 GMT, you probably have been hacked.

Please read the official announcement and get support in the community forums!

As always, forum users should have a single password per platform and change that on a regulary base. If you used the password you are using here in a compromised forum, do not forget to change it here too!
Forum Admin
Hmm... wow... XD Thats really smart!

*The hackers that did that*

Not good for MyBB forums but that was smart XD

Also, any DL? As I want to do the same.. I am NOT going to upgrade my mybb anytime soon XD

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