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Premium attachments
Name: Premium Attachments

Description: Only members of specific groups can download attachments from certain forums. Includes settings for attachment types to ignore.
Version: 1.2
Compatibility: 1.8.x
Adds files: yes
Changes files: no
Adds templates: no
Changes templates: no
Adds to database: no
Changes database: no

Blocking attachment

Download for subscribers:

.php   premiumattach.php (Size: 5.07 KB / Downloads: 43)
With downloading this plugin you agree with the [Image: external.png]license rules.

Simply upload the Php to your forum/inc/plugins folder and install the plugin in Admin CP.
Don't forget to edit the settings to your needs!

Although MyBB 1.8 does offer better permissions for attachments I still use this one because it's easy to handle and comes with advanced permission settings for file types.

With this plugin you can define certain forums by ID where only usergroups you choose can download attachments.
You can choose attachment types which should be ignored by the rule, for example JPG.
Very useful for sites with subscription - everybody can see the preview jpg (if his usergroup has the general right to download attachments), but all other attachments can be downloaded only by certain usergroups, for example subscribers.
You don't have to do anything special no more, no extra forum for subscribers, no secret downloadlinks - everybody can see the attachment but only some usergroups can download it Smile
Forum Admin

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