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FaceBook Connect
Name: FaceBook Connect
Description: Connects your MyBB with facebook. Full user integration, more forum integration features.

ATTENTION! Facebook does require apps to run on the https connection. You do need a secure SSL configuration on your website!

- Users who do not have a MyBB account can sign up and log in with facebook
- Users who do already have a MyBB account can connect their existing account and login with facebook
- Plugin pulls information from facebook: Birthday, avatar, website, name.
- Password generation for new members - they can keep their forum account even if they delete their facebook account
- Admin informations in profile
- If members create a new thread they can use a checkbox to post about it at their facebook wall
- Switch all options on/off and edit all major options in the ACP settings
- Language compatible (english, french, german formal and german informal included)
- No javascript needed (PHP API only)

Demo: -
Version: 2.0 / 2.0a
Compatibility: 1.8.x
Adds files: yes
Changes files: no
Adds templates: no
Changes templates: yes
Adds to database: no
Changes database: yes



Permission request at facebook in the local user language (german in this case)

Error handling

Admin information in profile

Post options - publish at facebook

Download for subscribers:

.zip   FBConnect (Size: 67.01 KB / Downloads: 60)
With downloading this plugin you agree with the [Image: external.png]license rules.

If you do install this plugin and receive the following error:
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Facebook\FacebookSDKException' with message 'Session not active, could not store state.'
Please use this alternative version instead which does fix this issue:

.zip   FBConnect release (Size: 157.38 KB / Downloads: 10)
The error does not appear on most installations.

Installation instructions:

You need verified facebook account (with mobile phone or credit card)

Then go to:

Enter a name, follow instructions.

Enter "Site URL" at the tab "Web Site" like this:
You are not allowed to see code.

Copy the APP-ID and the Secret Key of your application.

Install the plugin at your MyBB and adjust the settings to your needs. Enter the Keys from FaceBook where necessary.

If you see this message:

.png   breaking_changes_submit_app_review.png (Size: 5.49 KB / Downloads: 144)
You'll have to submit your app for review by facebook. Otherwise some features, like posting threads directly on the FB wall of users, will break.

If you run into problems, uncomment debug lines in file fbconnect/fbmain.php to enable the debugger.

Plugin history:

This plugin has been updated from version 1.X series to support MyBB 1.8 and the all new facebook API and use the all new SDK. To upgrade, simply remove your old plugin files and replace them with the new ones in this package.
Forum Admin
I have got a problem with this, when trying to register an account with Facebook I get a warning that tells me, that no mail was given.
Works fine for me at the demoforum:

Are you sure your settings are properly set?
Forum Admin
It seems that that bug only appears, when I'm changing the username. Same thing happens in your demoforum, when I'm entering my own userneme the same error message appears.
(02-17-2015, 06:56 AM)Coolos Wrote: It seems that that bug only appears, when I'm changing the username. Same thing happens in your demoforum, when I'm entering my own userneme the same error message appears.

I can confirm this bug, coming from the new Facebook API needed. It will take a while to adapt the plugin to the new Facebook API. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Forum Admin
Job is done Smile 

This plugin has been updated to version 2.0 series to support the all new facebook API and use the all new SDK. Thanks for the bug report Coolos!

Please have a look at the first post for download and further information.
Forum Admin
Thanks, but now I just get blank pages in the forum upon actvating the plugin.
Also I can't find a way to eanable the debug settings in this version, are there any special requirements for PHP Extensions?
White empty pages are usually a result of non complete plugin upload. Could you reupload the plugin?
Forum Admin
Hi Lennart!

I've purchased a subscription and I've tried to install this plugin on my website. Of course, first step was to create a Facebook application. I've completed all the necessary setting fields with the information provided by facebook, but I'm getting a strange error: Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Facebook\FacebookSDKException' with message 'Session not active, could not store state.'

Do you know how can I fix this?

Thank you very much.
Hi Mihu,
sorry for my late reply.

Where exactly do you get this error? At which point is it displayed?

The error indicates that the server session is not started yet (although it should have been started by MyBB already).
Forum Admin

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