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Advertisement suite
Name: Advertisement suite
Description: The advertisement suite plugin provides you various settings for displaying advertisement. You can display ads at 5 different places at your board: In profile, on index, at the beginning of a thread (showthread), in the footer or between posts.
You can set which groups shall not see the advertisement for each place.
You can hide the showthread and between post advertisement on certain forums.
Banner rotation function - enter multiple ad codes and seperate them with a ### to display them randomly!

Version: 1.5
Compatibility: 1.8.x
Adds files: yes
Changes files: no
Adds templates: no
Changes templates: yes
Adds to database: no
Changes database: no


Ads displayed every 3 posts (Watch out for "Advertiser")

Advertisement in footer - can also be used as a copyright line or whatever

Ads on index - At I do use it as a message for guests Wink

Advertisement in profile

Advertisement on showthread

The settings - complete list. For fine tuning in any situation.

Download for subscribers:

.php   adsuite.php (Size: 13.97 KB / Downloads: 196)
With downloading this plugin you agree with the [Image: external.png]license rules.

If the advertisement between the posts do not show up, add at the end of the postbit template:

You are not allowed to see code.
Forum Admin
not seeing this appear 1.8.4 , ideas?
Did you enable the plugin settings? Could you PM me your forum link?
Forum Admin
Hi Lennart, thanks for this plugin, and all your other works
I'd like to know how I could move the banner from the copyright (cause in the copyright it is not well centered) to the footer like with My advertisement. I'd like the banner to be just down the last post ?

You can move the var inserted by the plugin inside the templates. You are probably looking for the footer template in this case.
Forum Admin
You stay, I did as HTML.
looks awesome Big Grin

EDIT: Nevermind, I have no money right now and can not afford $9 just because i need 1 plugin. Id be more then happy to donate some of my profits, but i dislike when Geeks force Geeks to purchase code.
man i just bought subscription for this and this is not working :/ ???? Can you Give me its solution

showing me this code everywhere

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