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This is a MyBB problem, the javascript doesn't get the correct path from MyBB.

I wrote a fix for it here:

The lyrics do show up only once for me, check your templates if it show up multiple times.

Kind regards
Lennart Sauter
Forum Admin
Problem with images in header

My lyricspage can be found add
You see images are missing, because those images are on wrong url.

All images where showed on the right way only the lyricspage is wrong.

My forum can be found add
There are the images at

What is wrong
Use direct image paths in your header template Smile
Forum Admin
Impossible, I use more themes and all works good.
Only in the lyrics plugin there where gone.
Also with other plugins where header is showed they are working.
So why not with the lyrics one.
The lyrics addon does use the header as it's loaded by MyBB.
If the images are wrong you'll need to direct link them because the folders could not work otherwise. Or you do make your own header inside the lyrics files.
Forum Admin
I use the easiest way, upload the 6 images to the right folder.
But I have two small questions.

1. I do not want to show the list of musicstyles (genres).
2. How to add a tittle banner on the place where you can read now lyrics.
Oh yes, that works well too, didn't think of that possibility Smile

I didn't understand your second question sadly.
For the first question find and remove in index.php:
You are not allowed to see php code.
Forum Admin
Thank you for the editing for the musicstyles. Is it also possible to remove it from the add lyrics list. So that people do not had to choose for the style.

What I mean with banner you can see in the attachment.
With html I can show you exactly what i mean.

You are not allowed to see php code.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)
That would require some more work because it can't just be blank.
Add this code for the banner in the header.php at $note Smile
Forum Admin
Don't work
I get this error

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /usr/home/deb4195/domains/ on line 30

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